This map was created for a research project funded by the Oregon Ocean Science Trust: "Developing Community Guidelines for Sustainable Co-Management of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation and Shellfish in Oregon". The purpose of this map is to visualize data on shellfish* and submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV**) within Oregon estuaries.
*Shellfish = bivalve mollusks located within estuaries, e.g. oyster, mussel, and clam species
**SAV = submerged aquatic vegetation located within estuaries, e.g. seagrass and seaweed species
In 2023, our project conducted a survey on perceptions of the interactions, challenges, and opportunities surrounding co-management of SAV and shellfish in Oregon.
Survey results are displayed using interactive charts in the side panel of this page (or at the bottom of the navigation menu if using a mobile device). These charts are described below:
The first chart displays Likert score results from questions that survey participants answered in terms of how much they agree or disagree with a series of statements. Boxes on this chart represent the variance in participant responses to each statement. Statements can be viewed by hovering over the x-axis labels or clicking the "?" icon above the chart.
The next two charts display user groups and locations that survey participants self-identified with. Bars on these charts can be clicked on to filter the survey results shown on the page. Doing so updates all the other charts with respect to the selected filter(s). Click "Reset Filters" in the navigation pane to remove all selected filters from the charts.
The last four charts display the frequency of themes reported by survey participants who answered a series of open-ended questions. The questions were generally related to four themes: environmental interactions, management, scientific questions, and policy improvements. Descriptions of coded themes can be viewed by hovering over the x-axis labels or clicking the "?" icon above each chart. Bars in these charts can also be clicked on to filter the survey data shown in all the other charts.
Co-authors: Melissa Ward2,3, Annie Merrill1, Lauren Rice4, Kristen Green4, Ana Spalding4, and Arielle Levine3
Affiliations: 1Cascadia Visualizations LLC; 2Windward Sciences LLC; 3San Diego State University; 4Oregon State University
Funding: This work was supported by the Oregon Ocean Science Trust, using funds distributed by House Bill (HB) 3114, which was passed by the Oregon legislature on June 22, 2021.
Questions? Contact PI Melissa Ward or co-PI Brian Katz.